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Respecting and loving the Prophet Muhammed

Notis: Det följande är en reproduktion av artiklen ”Respecting and loving the Prophet Muhammed

God wants us to have full respect to His prophets and messengers.  Many of God’s prophets and messengers are mentioned in the Quran, the book described by God as the absolute truth.  Quran describes the prophet Muhammed to us and asks the believers to love him and respect him.  The description of the prophet Muhammed in the Quran is in marked contrast to the distorted and insulting picture of him in the books of hadiths and sunna.  

Let us find out what the Quran says about the prophet Muhammed and compare it with what the Hadith books say.

”NuN, the pen and what they write. You (Muhammed) have attained a great blessing from your Lord; you are not crazy. You have attained a recompense that is well deserved. You are blessed with a great moral character.” 68:1-4

What a beautiful description from the Lord of the universe. About being a compassionate human being God describes his prophet in the Quran in sura 3

”It was mercy from God that you became compassionate towards them. Had you been harsh and mean-hearted, they would have abandoned you. Therefore, you shall pardon them, ask forgiveness for them, and consult them. Once you make a decision, carry out your plan, and trust in God. God loves those who trust in Him.”

About the love for the messenger , God told us in 9:24

”Proclaim:” If your parents, your children, your siblings, your spouses, your family, the money you have earned, a business you worry about, and the homes you cherish are more beloved to you than God and His messenger, and the striving in His cause, then just wait until God brings His judgment.” God does not guide the wicked people.” 9:24

Now, what picture do the Hadith books have for the prophet?.  These are the books collected about 150 to 200 years after the death of the prophet and after the prophet and the first four Caliphs who ruled after him refused to collect them.  These alleged hadiths and sunna books, contrary to common belief, blaspheme against the Prophet and depict him as a vicious tyrant who did not uphold the Quran.  These books were written against the commandment in the Quran and the requests of the Prophet , not to write but the Quran. (See our section on Hadith and Sunna) Let us give only one example, to avoid any more embarrassment from the Hadiths books.

In an allegedly authentic Hadith reported by Bukhari and Hanbel, ”A group of people from the Oreyneh and Oqayelh tribes came to the prophet to embrace Islam, the prophet advised them to drink the urine of the camels. Later on when they killed the prophet’s shepherd, the prophet seized them, gouged out their eyes, cut their hands and legs, and left them thirsty in the desert to die.”  Part of the blasphemy is calling this hadith, a Sahih hadith.

This is the picture that Hadith books depict the prophet Muhammed, the prophet, God described in the Quran as compassionate.  This is the picture that the enemies of Islam put in the fabricated Hadiths books . It is for those who refused to follow the absolute truth of God in the Quran by upholding the Quran ALONE.

Now do we know why God described His book, the Quran as the best Hadith, the most truthful Hadith, the non-fabricated Hadith ?

Do we know why we should believe God in the Quran ?

Is this what the scholars want us to believe the prophet Muhammed was ?

Only the enemies of God, the enemies of the prophet Muhammed and the enemies of Islam are the ones who want us to believe these fabricated Hadiths. Those who are defending these books that were prohibited by the prophet Muhammed himself are defending the wrong Islam. We need to defend the Quran instead, we need to uphold the Quran instead, we need to follow the Quran instead.

Now that the prophet Muhammed is not amidst the Muslims anymore, loving him and respecting him is to follow his message, the one and only message he left when he died, the Quran , the whole Quran ALONE. Following the books that he prohibited, that are full of insult to God, the Prophet, his family and Islam is but a show of disrespect and disbelief.

Those who claim to follow the alleged Hadiths books however refuse to follow one of their so called authentic Hadith that may have saved them, the prophet said ”Do not write from me anything but the Quran, those who wrote anything but the Quran should erase it.” (Moslem and Ahmed).